The Truth About Running: Volume I

Running sort of reminds me of one of those terrible tampon commercials. 

Oh, you know what I’m talking about.  Periods are all cupcakes and margaritas until it happens in real life, then it’s just ugly, painful and plain old horrific.  In my case anyway.

The people (I know about 4 people in real life who run because they like it) I know that run never told me about the bad stuff that happens.

I mean, common sense would tell me that there’s going to be a lot of sweat in places that shouldn’t sweat.  I’ve produced more boob sweat in the last few weeks than Mama June at the buffet (that was tacky, I know, but SERIOUSLY have you seen that show?).  The other place I sweat a lot –  It’s disgusting.  It’s all squishy and itchy and by the time I’m finished, I want to stab my finger in there so deep to scratch, but I don’t because the doctor said not to put anything smaller than my elbow in my ear.

What?  What did you think I was talking about?

Seriously, y’all.  Nobody, not one person ever told me that the insides of my ears would sweat so much.  Like, it’s to the point that my ear buds just slip right out.  When I go to put them back in, it makes the most disgusting noise I’ve ever heard and it’s LOUD because it’s IN MY EAR. 

This is traumatic for me, I’m guessing because I don’t like moisture in my ears at all.  Like, this girl doesn’t even like to get her ears wet in the shower.  Pathetic, I know, but I seriously blame it on some horrible life experience I had…in a past life.

Either way, I really wish that my friends would have told me that my ears would be a steamy, sweaty pool of drippy wax before I started to “run”.  I would have gone a different route.  One that didn’t involve ear sweat or running.

On the flipped side of this nasty coin, I bet my ears are looking super skinny these days.

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1 Response to The Truth About Running: Volume I

  1. Thank you for reporting on the downside to running. So, in case I take it up, I’ll be prepared like.

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