The Players

We all have a supporting cast to our starring roles, right?  We’ll, I suppose now is the time to introduce you to mine.  They’re amazingly dysfunctional and I love them all.  Maybe.

My Husband – He has a name, but you’ll probably never see it on here.  Just know that he’s pretty amazing and he’s only an asshole like, .03% of the time.  He works super hard and his job so that we can all have most of what we all want.  We’ve been married for 7 years and it only feels like 7 minutes.  Under water.  

My Daughter – She’s 6 and most of the time a complete jerk, but when she’s not being a jerk she’s pretty loving.  She hates my cooking, would rather not wear pants and loves anything artsy.  She also has a name, but we like to call her Mack.

My Dog – Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.  Probably the most loving and understanding of everyone in this list.  He’s 6 pounds and the biggest snuggle buddy I have.  He goes by Max most of the time.

My Co-Workers –

  1. The One I Love – She’s pretty self explanatory.  She’s pretty awesome and always encouraging.  She is hardly ever negative and she never smells like shit.
  2. The One That Smells – She has the walking farts.  She always smells like shit, eats terrible.  She’s a micro-manager to the nth degree which means she’s also a control freak who wants to know everything about anyone who ever walked the planet.
  3. The Skinny One – She’s on a diet too, but she only weighs like 118 pounds so I want her to eat a fucking snickers every once in a while.
  4. The Funny One – She’s funny and she doesn’t even know it.  She’s typically an easy target and I love her dearly.

My Friends – They’re too many to name, but trust me when I say that every single one of them will play a role in some way or another in this little web I’ll spin.  You’ll hear a lot about Chief, Sister, Lena, the Golden Girls and my mom.  When the time comes, I’m sure they’ll each get their own little introductory post.

Then there’s me.  Little ‘ol Jenny From the Block.  I used to write here, but then I stopped.  That was the thing I started that lasted the longest.  And I quit.  But I’m back.  Hopefully for the long haul.

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2 Responses to The Players

  1. Hello Jenny from the Block!!

  2. mCat says:

    Oh how you make me smile! Give her a fucking snickers……! LOL

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